Monday, July 4, 2011

on our back...

starting the drive back home been on the road for 45 minutes and have heard "how far is california grandma? how long till we stop for gas? how much farther????" at least 40 times!!!!  oH how i love them dearly, but it's going to be a long drive!!!
went through all the new toys & games already, naptime soon?!!!


Linda, NE Iowa said...

You can play the alphabet game with them ~ find the alphabet (in order) on the signs. My question is ~ how do they get back to their home at the end of the visit? By the way, they're really good-looking kids.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Cute kids!! But I'm sure I wouldn't be thinking so about now!!! do have a long haul ahead of you!! Best of luck to you! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

quiltsbycheri said...

daddy drives out for a short visit then takes home to start school...