my favorite pieces of folk art in my home are my Kay Cloud "Sawdust Dolls Lady" originals and how i came about owning them is a fun story....
back in the days of my tole painting i was asked to teach in Branson Mo. at a tole painting gathering, flew into Springfield, rented a car and started off to find Branson, well i'm not very good at knowing my east from west, needless to say get lost easy and i did on these tiny, all look the same highways in the back country of Mo.....way lost, very frustrated, almost to the point of tears, no cell phones then, would stop when i could find something to stop at and ask directions....driving around and around and then in front of me there it was the most amazingly painted folk art style house i'd ever seen, put on the brakes, pulled over needed to know more.....they were not home, at a flea market neighbor told me "she buys junk, paints on it and sells it" wow right up my alley.....kind neighbor gave me directions to Branson and off i went but i couldn't get that home out of my mind, so during my week of teaching i was given one day off, guess where i headed, she was there, spent the entire day with this amazing folk artist, just watching and listening trying to soak it all in, bought these two pieces......
have always wanted to return to Reed Springs to see if she's still at it but i think maybe i happened onto the best and leave it at that.....