and it feels i've pieced together a patchwork quilt, sewing strips together for grandbaby's other quilt, made more four patches for greg's quilt and cut for August's primitive quilt....oh and layed out Folkart Gathering for block 7....
will keep you posted as all progress....
off to Home Depot to pick out paint colors, bummed no more Ralph Lauren, my personal favorite, will have to try something new...change can be fun, don't worry though even though working with cheery fabrics for baby quilts mine will still be dark and dirty!
Right there with you - hated losing RL paints. I'm using MS. So far so good.
Do you ever stop and breathe???!! YIKES!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
Love that quilt...I have to stay away from paint's an addiction with me...
How sweet is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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