instead of sweeping, mopping and dusting i'm going to paint and redecorate my dining room, kitchen and hopefully bedroom i've's been several years since it's been done, i'm not getting younger so will probably take me twice as long to get up & down the ladder....ready for a change, don't know what color & such yet but it will come to me as i take all this down....
what are the "in" colors now?
may try a funky Anthropologie look, like leaving holes, kids drawings on the walls with pencil, who knows so many possibilites....
That looks like a big project!! I don't follow the trends so I can't tell you what the latest and best colors are. Have fun!!
I think the "in" colors are whatever colors you like : ) Best of luck with the redecorating! Blessings, Shirlee
Yikes!! Sounds like work to me!! Why not throw a new quilt on the wall!! :o)
I kind of like the colors you have now!
Much better than cleaning - definitely...But, hey - I'd have to clean just to be able to paint. (Now I'm feeling 'em...those guilt pangs....) I think just about everything and anything is "in" these days....I just always gravitate to the neutral off-whites because we have so much wood (beams; trims; rails, etc.) and small areas to work with - and the light neutrals make a good background for all decorating...Have fun! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
Painting over here, too. I just picked the colors that called my name from the paint chips. I feel like I'm really branching out because I'm finally stepping away from white trim and doors . . . then I remembered how much I HATE painting trim *s*
I cannot wait to see what you do!!!!! I LOVE the anthropologie look...what ever you do will be amazing as usual!!!
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