I notice as I go on a blog journey ..... Oh My Gosh there are so many over whelmingly talented & prolific ladies out there, what an amazing world to have joined.....anyway back to my original train of thought, if I was to do a giveaway (just ifffing at this point) as I see being done on other blogs....how do you do that, put followers names in a hat? Just wondering, answers, ideas or thoughts when you have the time.....it's a beautiful Sunday here spending my day in jammies at the sewing machine enjoy your day cheri
As you can see mint M&M's have been opened
I am doing one tonight and I usually draw a name from comments.
Now I am doing from followers, since they are the ones who visit all the time. I just announce it, then if I get a lot of entries, I use the random number generator. It picks a number and you do have to count down the list, but easier than cutting out names.
I don't use the random number thing - I just count how many there are, go ask one of my kids or grandkids to pick a number between 1 and ?, and then count down til I get to that number. It's fast and it's easy and it's fair. :) blessings, marlene
mmmmmmmm, those m&m's look good :-)
Giveaways can be fun. Putting giveaway in your blog post title brings attention to it...although I haven't figured out how to go 'looking' for one yet...anyways, alot of new people will see your blog maybe for the first time. You can pick the winner any way you like and feel good about giving somebody a treat!
So, just announce it and they will come :-)
I like to do giveaways from comments. Not all of my followers want/need what I'm giving away. I do not use the number generator because I doubt it would ever choose number 1 and I like to let everybody have an equal chance. I write their names on a slip of paper and cut them all out the same size too. Sounds silly huh? It's fun and I have met many bloggers through giveaways.
Well it sounds very easy.... and I wasn't so far off with the cutting pieces of paper idea, just remember to save for future use! Thanks for all the input going to give this some thought, love to give & share with friends
The giveaways can be whatever you decide. Some involve just being a follower of the blog...others include additional ways to get more chances to win. For instance...at this time, I have a giveaway going and you have to 1. be a follower; 2. comment on the giveaway post; and you can also 3. post it on one's sidebar on their blog; 4. tell me what they love most about Christmas; and 5. post on Facebook. They can do as many as they wish, and just let me know what they have done. Then I will go thru and assign numbers to all the entries (which can be up to 5 per person) and use a random number generator (easily found online) to pick the number. Hope this helps to give you some ideas.
I also go by the comments... and I do the really scientific method of asking whoever is around to pick a number between 1 and however many comments were left. Fast method!
I will have to try the mint flavored M&Ms. I am new to your blog and wanted to thank you for your Soot and Ashes block patterns. Love the name..conjures up memories of when we lived high in the mountains and burned our wood stove. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
It is your choice. You can select a random post, say this one, and choose the one that has the best idea, has the prettiest name, or is choose a number. You could choose a number from the followers. You could just close your eyes and point to one. Or whoever used the magic word that you liked and didn't tell anyone. We will never know. Whatever is fun for you. Or you could just choose me. :)
I have not entered many of these. I see it as a "grovel" party. You have to let the person know how "popular" you think he/she is to possibly win a little token. It surprises me how many of us are willing to do it. I guess you can take us out of high school; but not the high school out of us. I love your work and I don't think you seems to be one to require groveling to share. Thanks
I would keep it simple and do the draw the old fashioned way. Pull a name from the hat, that way everyone has equal opportunity of winning.
Have fun eating all those M&M's.
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