my daughter over the years has had a few pre cancer cervical biopsies and leeps, causing scar tissue, not sure if she could get pregnant, she did, not sure if she could go full term, she did....
come to realize she has a "steel trap" for a cervix, wouldn't open....
always known possibly cesarean but was not an emergency so needed to try a vaginal birth first....
so after 12 hours of cervidial, then 18 hours of pitocin no dilatation, will be cesarean but not till am....then her water breaks, still no dilatation, then a pin hole size opening but all agreed probably nothing more, went home to shower....received text "i'm a 7" rush back, now all preparing for having a baby, get to nine....getting room set up
during this time she's beginning to get feverish, start her on antibiotics, then baby starts stressing, now off for cesarean....
at 5:47 Feb 10 Lucy was born weighing 8 lbs. 7 oz. and 20&1/4"
all are doing well and fever is finally down....
what a roller coaster ride that was, now off to the hospital for sweet new baby hugs& kisses....